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Remote Access (Cloud)

Encrypted Login Page

Entry is only possible with the user names and the passwords that we give our customer. With its simple and practical interface the Cloud System provides our valuable administrators an easy using by its functions such as language selection or forgot password.

Home Page

Cloud system helps you to control and detect your vehicle’s exact point instantly. Also System helps you to reach lots of different options in the same time.

Vehicle Feet

Cloud System’s GPS application shows you the last situations of your fleet. System instantly reports you the exact positions of your vehicles on the map by the signals they  send you. Also you can check the updates of vehicles when they updated their software.

Online Log

You can follow up the online history log of your vehicles’s signals that system sends you in every 1 minutes. And you can check your bus is online or not.


You can make special themes for important days like st. Valentines day or the religionic festivals like Christmas. Theme creating and sending it to buses is too easy. Click the “create new theme” button and follow the orders step by step.

Bus Tracking (GPS)

Using the Google Maps, you see the vehicle’s places and speeds instantly. On screen you see three different colours. The green coloured cars are on the move right now, yellow coloured cars were moved in one week and the red coloured ones not working over one week.

Content Management

You can see the movie list in your vehicles. And organize them active or passive. You can create new entries for uploading new movies and send this upload request to cars.  If a movie needs too much storage, you can upload it at the big coach stations


Survey Management

You can create surveys and follow their results on Cloud. Through this survey to know your passengers. And can start your campaign accordingly.